And last night was the night of the sweetie madness! Above is the sweeties all ready for divvying up into 80 bags!!
And here are all the bags after the first fill....we didn't know how many to put in so we just kept filling!! We kinda went a bit insane after the first 40!! By the time we'd finished I was crying with laughter and DS was nearly sobbing...and I didn't eat a single thing till after we'd fill them so it wasn't a candy high!! Just insanity!!
And this is how very cute they looked when we'd filled and folded and stickered each and every one of them!! I am a GOOD person...a little insane now (when we finished I did a line of sherbert..actual sherbert, orange flavour...I don't do drugs! I sucked it up from the finally cleared table and DS said there were no more tears to cry laughing!)
Ah and this is the halloween marrow!! An unusual tradition we started last year of using alternative and readily available vegetables (especially when I can sell the pumpkins we grow for actual money!) I have saved one proper, full sized pumpkin for DS to carve tomorrow!
And this little fellow lets see...the tiny pumpkin I brought in when I was making roast veg but the pan was too full to add him, on top of a mini pumpkin that the stem broke off! Oh and a couple of rubbery carrots(the rest are going in tomorrow nights tea, which I will be slow cooking overnight..a very mixed stew, so they can feed themselves...shhhh don't tell the men about the rubberyness!)
This was one of last years pumpkins!! I'm nothing if not inventive:D And if I can figure out how to rotate things I'l show you the rest of last years stuff..
Nope...I can't figure out how to rotate it!! Turn your head on one side to view!!! This was DS's pumkin last year...tilt head in opposite direction!!
And this is just a really cute picture of Gingy with her new sign on her little basket house:D
And this is the lazy assed tea we end up with..straight from the stores...when I've had a busy day!!tin, tin and freezer!! It's like someone else cooking for me!! And anyway..I've got stew to prep for excuse..sticking with to decide what scary outfit i shall be sporting tomorrow night!! There may be pictures!!!