
Wednesday 9 April 2014

Wandering wednesday

Today was definitely a wandering wednesday. Delivery day, the last of the celeriac went to the wholesaler and the auction. So today ...
Earnt - £18-         Spent - £15.74 in aldi!
There is still £45.66 in the grocery jar:D

Mmmoney!! And yes, I know I bought mince..super duper el cheapo mince:D I just can't help myself!! But it was for tonights tea...spaghetti bolognaise...and I did use 2 packs of the homemade tomato sauce..

Trouble is..theres enough in a pack of mince for about 3 meals for us, you guessed it...more for the freezer! Does it look any emptier to you?

Nope, me neither!
Now heres something to admit. I'm starting to panic as things are getting used. there is nearly a space on the shelves as I haven't bought beans or tinned tomatoes for ages. A space!! Well, nearly a space. And the other freezer nearly has shelf space too. Strange isn't it how things make us feel secure. Its food for me, and lots of it. And books. Maybe I'll show you the book shelves one day. Maybe!
And the rhubarb is ready...I just haven't paid it any attention yet.

And yes, thats a tv. How untidy am I? I like mess what can I say!
So anyway, delivering and shopping and a look round a rural clat store that sells everything. And I picked things up, alot of things. And I put them all back as I decided each time that I would rather keep the money than have the thing (a liquid pump, craft ribbons, baking tray, fire poker, piggy bank) If I'd bought them it would have been about £15. But I didn't!!Go me and my frugal zen-ness!
And would you look at my dress I made a couple of years ago..

Now what I wanted was something 40's style. But the neck was too high and annoyed me, the skirt was too long for 40's and as for the ties...well...not on anyone over 5!
But I love the mix of fabrics...

And I love the green stripey ness. And the buttons are cool:D and the puff sleeves are right. I just need to sort out the neckline, maybe shorten the skirt, remove the ties, add pockets, and maybe I'll have something that feels more 40's make do and mend.
I was thinking about making it into bib and brace but I don't think it would work with the shaped top. Anyway...we shall see.. I shall do some designs and get the sharp scissors out, and look at the 40's magazines!! I'll have to show you those one day too!! you can see today I have been procrastinating...there wasn't enough hot water from the fire last night to do the washing up (my excuse)

It's like someone has let off a bomb in the kitchen :-S
Worktop anywhere? Yes, I am this messy sometimes!! Completely unhygenic :D I think I'd better go wash up!!

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