
Monday 16 September 2013

Do wheelbarrow fairies have menopause?

Ok, do wheelbarrow fairies have menopause? I hope not because they'd never get anything done, they'd be far too busy being ANGRY! about mood swings, I'm a veritable fairground of trek made me cry...OH not picking potatoes properly (and I don't think it's possible to do it wrong) made me want to brain him, and OH offering to help with tea then standing in the kitchen made me threaten him with a knife!! Oh dear!
Anyway, the fairy has been a busy girl....
This was the interesting squash assortment that was mainly rejects and unwanted so guess what was part of tea?! Yay! Uchiki Kuri, courgettes and I've forgotton what its called! Mentalpause again!

Fairies like blackberries! I thinks there's 3lb ish. So now the fairy has purple fingers (and a purple tongue for a while nomnomnom)
And on my walk for blackberries I had a little look in the field next door, and when i was a little girl there was an orchard where we used to scrump apples...its still there, overgrown and unloved and there are half a dozen different types of apple trees and it is heaving with apples!..I may be off for a walk with the wheelbarrow and some sturdy trousers! (Most of my trousers are sturdy..not very feminine but very practical, like a fairy should be!
Its time to bathe the fairy..not a euphemism:-P need to see if some of the purple will come off the fingers! And maybe some calming lavender whilst someone hides all the pointy objects:D
Bad fairy!

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