
Saturday 12 October 2013

Wheelbarrow fairy in the dark

This is Pepe looking cute in a 'new' charity shop cat carrier!(it wouldn't let me write anything so I thought I'd put a picture on first!! Joy of a rural connection and pages that don't load properly!)
The wheelbarrow fairy had to sit in the dark..which meant all she could do was read with the headtorch! The last two nights we have lost our electricity. Last night it was whilst we were asleep so it just meant no alarm this morning. Thursday night it went off when I was sat on my sons bed talking to him while OH was watching a dvd. Son used his phone to get to kitchen, gave me headtorch, which was on its special hook. Picked up normal torch for OH and then picked up a candle and matches. (hallway) DS went and sat by the fire with his book. Then I put on the kettle and made a cuppa!(gas cooker and we always use a kettle on the hob)
Now think...with the energy companies threatening blackouts in the UK this winter what would you do if the power suddenly went out?
Being a sensible wheelbarrow fairy who every winter has some form of poweroutage (alot of trees run over the overhead cables, a couple of years ago we had no power for over a week!) I keep torches, candles and matches where everyone knows they should be. Cheapy headtorch is the best thing, it goes where you go, means you can read but don't look in the mirror when you go to the loo!! Splang reflection in the eyes!
Sorry..sensible fairy!! But today I was a bad fairy as I bought these.....

Every fairy should have a sensible pair of winter boots and these are not they!! Every winter I allow myself a pair of boots. Last year black ones (still in perfect order and shiny) year before brown (little worn but still good and comfy) black before that(still in one piece) black before that( soles have gone but the tops are good...fine if it doesn't rain!)
So this year I have RED boots!! Just like Nanny Ogg!! Red shoes no drawers? or is it red hat?? Or is it net curtains? Ah but would you look at their shiny redness..£19.99 worth of pleasure. Not feminine! Not sexy! Very zombie apocalypse:)  A tadge clown:-P Just wait till I show you the dress!! Maybe another day! Its a bit anime..japanese're a long while dead and I shall wear what I want!! Tomorrow I shall be back to fairy duties ...theres wow wow relish to be made..and I've already got the horseradish so hot hot hot!!! (it grows in my garden like a weed!)

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