
Friday 4 July 2014

Gritty fairy

Today I tried to describe the kebabs we get from the local butcher to mommy over the phone. It really doesn't work without some kind of visual reference! So I took some pictures instead :) These are one of our treat meals..we don't have them very often because they cost 69p each. But we can't afford the kebab shop either and everyone loves these!
Red chinese flavour ones for us grown ups...
Kofta's for DS. Sizzle sizzle on the griddle..
Homemade potato salad...
Salad, raw cabbage and onion and a pitta...
Yum!! And its a meaty treat :) Definitely deserved it as four more rows hoed! And some shove hoeing. As it was most hot (29 degrees) and windy the weeds died quickly today. But it was making the soil blow about alot. Not quite 'fen blow' but close. It was like being sandblasted...and the grit got everywhere....
Hahhhahaaha lovely 'fen tan' going on there!! I wear trainers and ankle sockies...
Honestly there was grit in every nook and cranny!! I went and had a cold bath and washed it all off....I left a lovely tide mark in the bath (yes I washed it off)..most people I'm sure don't leave grit in the they? 

So start again on monday...if it rains there are bound to be more weeds...i love to hoe!! 
And with the warm wind today i got 3 loads of washing dry outside...splendid! And I found two little patty pan squash :) Joy.
Happy 4th July...I can hear the fireworks now going off at our local USAF airbase! 

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