
Monday 9 June 2014

Melty fairy

I'm hot. Fairies, especially wheelbarrow fairies, melt when its hot. And in this lovely heat I have been potato picking and hoeing. Definitely melting! And to add insult to injury, when I emptied my little stalls money box it was £1.30 light. It always seems to be when the new potatoes start people think its ok to not pay. I know they are expensive little things, but alot of energy goes into them. (and I charge about half supermarket price for fresh picked daily) So thats nearly three bags I did for nothing. Nice. Honesty stall my wide fairy booty!
And I haven't taken any photo's! Not one. I shall try to remember tomorrow. Its the heat. It melts my fairy brain. I made veg curry and we ate it. I used fridge finds and frozen pork in the slow cooker(which I put on in the shed so as not to heat up the house any more than necessary!) but we ate that too. Too warm to put the oven on and bake. Although I am feeling very cake deprived, but the aldi super six bananas are nice instead. 
More raspberries. I'm not sure what to do with them this year. Last year they went into mixed fruit cordial(saft), the year before was raspberry jam, but that was when dad was here and he LOVED raspberry jam. I could just eat them. But it looks like theres gonna be quite a few and i wouldn't want the runs indigestion:) I shall have to have a think. And a look at preserving books. Maybe I'll go sit in the garden where its cooler! Maybe with a cup of tea. In my pants :D ( I said I was hot didn't I?) I have been known to use my portable shower and shower in the garden. I'm glad I don't have neighbours! 
Freds still coming down. We keep putting the chain up. And I keep hiding if I hear him coming. I hope he doesn't do what he did when dad was alive and help himself to new potatoes. I'm nearly annoyed enough now. Nearly. 
We sold one of dads tractors today. Made me cry. But the man collects these here crawlers. And it gives us a space in the shed to maybe walk around! And he looked so happy. And he was 85! And dad had told him he could have it if he told him how to get other tractor running properly, which he had years ago! Good home. Like a kitten :) I'm probably just too sentimental over slowly rusting pieces of metal.Ho hum.
Hopefully be feeling more fairy soon, but it is supposed to stay hot all week. 
BBS x 


  1. How about Raspberry Vodka or Gin, Raspberry Sweetened Vinegar (sounds awful but is beautiful).

    1. Hmm good idea. i don't drink very often but DD might like raspberry vodka Mo x
