
Monday 24 March 2014

Herman rolls..fairy stylee

The next thrilling installment...
Ok, so to make a dozen rolls, I start at 4pm the day before I wanna bake. And make the sponge...
2 cups warm fluid..sometimes i use 2 water, sometimes 1 water 1 milk. Sometimes i use mushed up tinned tomatoes and water! It just depends :)1 cup herman,
2 cups bread flour
. I only ever feed him with plain flour but use the more expensive bread flour when its time to bake!1 teaspoon yeast. i told you, he's not a proper sourdough. But he has the flavour and a good texture:) Mix in a non-metalic bowl and cover with clingfilm and leave to go mad for about 6 hours, till its good and bubbly (for me about 10pm).
Then add
2 cups bread flour,
1 tbsp oil,
and a good pinch of salt.
At this point I add other things if I want different flavours. Dried tomatoes, cheese, whatever takes the fancy!
Knead for ten mins till smooth and elastic. I get another cup of flour to knead in, dust and knead.
Then in an oiled bowl, covered with a teatowel, he sits somewhere not too warm, I leave him in our kitchen which has no heating!
In the morning, knock him back and shape!
I normally make 8 or 16 rolls, depending on what I fancy!
Slash or snip the tops before allowing to rise somewhere warmish for a couple of hours.
Just before baking, I like to top mine with cheese and tomato, or cheese and ham, and I always leave some just flour dusted as they're great with soup.
Make sure your oven is well pre-heated. They go into a HOT 230 degree oven for 10 mins, then down to 200 degrees for another 15 mins. Till the bottoms sound hollow when tapped.
I must admit I always make rolls as bread in our house gets cut very thick and never lasts!
There's alot of recipes I use herman for...I'll post the apple and cinnamon one soon:) He's very versatile and adds his own flavour!
I've used it to make cinnamon buns, garlic monkey bread, loads of cakes!
He doesn't like it too cold, he slows down. And he hates it hot..I've never yet managed to keep one going all summer! I think my longest is 8 months! But...
My mommy was given a herman when I was a little girl, I can vividly remember making the cakes with her. And the smell of cinnamon:) It took me years to find the recipe again!!

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