
Saturday 22 March 2014

The fairy gets her gloves on

Zoop!! Can you guess what it is???
Nettle soup:D
Pint of nettles, pint of spinach, an onion, a leek, 2 carrots, some parsley, a potato and a pint of milk!! I had 2 bowls for my dinner as it was so good, and when DS came home from school he finished what was left!! And it cost all of 25p for the pint of milk!! Woohoo!!
Stinging nettle patch!!!

Mind your fingers...and I forgot i had a prsnip kicking around too so in that went for a bit of sweetness!!

A strange concoction of what we grow and it was absolutely delicious!!

Lovely mix of veg:)

And here's herman aka sourdough starter! He's liking the warm weather!! Bubbles :) So I thought I'd do some sourdough rolls in the morning :) Here's the 'sponge'.
Oooh more bubbles! Just bfore bedtime I'll add the rest of the flour and give it ten minutes kneading:) Then it gets left in the kitchen overnight for a slow rise. In the morning I'll knock it back and shape it when I get up, and by teabreak I'll be able to bake:D Fresh rolls for lunch tomorrow! Yum!

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