
Tuesday 8 April 2014

Chewsday pastry

Ow ow ow. I ache!!
I have been a busy fairy today...and I am now paying the price for thinking I was a 20 year old fairy, not a nearly 47 year old one!
 Right lets I have..
Walked the dog, no, no picture of that..she won't stay still long enough!
Then I made pastry..
Hmmm that seems alot doesn't it?

Ah, nearly 3lbs of it :D Oh well, in the fridge for later it goes!
Next i washed up and cleaned the counter. Called the wholesaler...wanted 3 boxes of celeriac...

Thats those cut, washed and turned! Ready to box in the morning, plus a few extras for the auction!
They are now past their best and were difficult to find...

Spot the celeriac anyone? No, I had trouble too, so its time for them to be chopped up. :(
Next DS helped me remove the old cabbage stalks, cauli stalks and yes, as it now won't sell at all...I picked 2 carrier bags of PSB then we pulled them up too!
Another bit of land cleared :D
Whilst pulling things up I found some red cabbages that have survived and some beetroot, so in a basket they went, hopefully to be sorted out tomorrow!

MMM purple! I do like red cabbage raw, so I'll freeze that I think.
Next i rolled up the huge bits of fleece and rolled them into the hedge! That is hard work as they are big enough to cover a 1/4 of an acre!
Next it was in the potato heap to get potatoes for tea, then a sit down...aaaaah!
Up we get...pasty making time!!
When I was rummaging in the freezer the other day I found 2 lots of 'pasty filling' aka leftover shepherds pie (meat and potatoes and veg mixed together).

Which I remembered to take out to thaw last night.
Got all my bits together...pasty making..

I am messy, you should have seen my trousers!
First four for tea, with mash and PSB!

Ok, so not pretty, but they taste great! Whilst these were cooking I made the other 6!! 10 altogether:D
4 for tea. 2 for my poor mate to take home so I know he's eaten. 4 in the fridge for DS's lunch for the next couple of days (and maybe one for the fairy?)
As I'd made too much mash for tea I then made 2 little cheese and potato pies for moi:D cheesy!
On another note..things are growing, here is one of the aldi blackcurrants...the other two are a little behind it..

And would you look at the rainbow chard..

Aint they cute!!  And my ickle lettuces..

And yes those are slug pellets...the little devils have had over a dozen of my lettuces grrr!
And all this is why I ache! I am not doing the washing up, I have laid in a very hot bath for an hour and its better. Ow! I am old!
And this is for my mommy and my Aunty...

Would you look at the lean on the old bungalow now??? I have fond memories of this place when I was tiny with my GGG.
BBS x hopefully I can have a bit of a rest tomorrow as its delivery day!!

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